Information Technology and the team behind it is more crucial to business than ever before. The old way of doing things has almost completely disappeared and everything is going digital. There are more apps, more mobile users, basically more of everything related to technology and data.
Why Do We Battle Our IT?
Mar 12, 2017 / by Bird Rock Blogger posted in IT Solutions, information technology, IT Services, Cyber Security, Optimization
How are you Protecting your Website?
Mar 02, 2017 / by Bird Rock Blogger posted in IT, IT Solutions, Security, IT Services, WAF, Cyber Security, Web Application, Website
At the end of last year, I went to a Cyber Security event and the keynote speaker Charlie Miller, renowned hacker, talked about vulnerabilities in code. In his opinion, because we are human, we make mistakes and when we make mistakes in writing code (very common) vulnerabilities are created. It is stated that 96% of Web applications have code vulnerabilities (Cenzic). Charlie found one tiny vulnerability in his Jeep which allowed him to hack the vehicle and take control of the steering wheel.
Identity Access Management in an Application Driven World
Feb 16, 2017 / by Bird Rock Blogger posted in IT, Security, IT Services, ROI, TCO, Identity Access Management, Okta
Your employees use a ton of applications whether they are web based, cloud based, or on premise. Making sure your users have access to these applications is integral to business productivity. On the other side of things, making sure you have visibility and policy on which applications can be accessed is extremely important to compliance and the overall security posture of your organization.
SD WAN: BEcoming the Standard
Feb 06, 2017 / by Bird Rock Blogger posted in IT, IT Solutions, Cloud, IT Services, Routing, Cloud Expert, SD-WAN, Networking
I have started to hear SD WAN popping up in conversations and in my news feed so I figured it was time to write a blog on it.
802.11ac: Is It Time to Invest?
Jan 20, 2017 / by Bird Rock Blogger posted in IT, IT Solutions, Wireless, BYOD, IT Services
There is no one simple answer here. At some point, maybe in 5 years, the time to invest will be “NOW!” But when we talk about investment into 802.11ac, we like to take a slow and progressive approach.
802.11ac: What is all the Hype?
Jan 20, 2017 / by Bird Rock Blogger posted in IT, IT Solutions, Wireless, BYOD, IT Services, 802.11ac
The news is out. 802.11ac is worlds faster than 802.11n. Or is it?
Three Tips when Choosing a Cloud Expert
Jan 03, 2017 / by Bird Rock Blogger posted in IT, IT Solutions, Cloud Migration, Innovation, Cloud, IT Services, Cloud Expert
I think we all understand the benefits of moving to the cloud and we all want to do it but there is a major question of “how?” Do you have budget, resources, or expertise?
The World of VMware cloud on AWS
Nov 21, 2016 / by Bird Rock Blogger posted in IT, IT Solutions, Security, Cloud Migration, Cloud, IT Services, AWS, Vmware, Datacenter
The leader in private cloud datacenter services and the leader in public cloud services partner to bring the best of both worlds and a hybrid IT solution to your datacenter. Is it a match made in heaven?
IT Transformational Change
Nov 15, 2016 / by Bird Rock Blogger posted in IT, IT Solutions, Security, IT Services, Transformational Change, Datacenter, strategy
I recently attended an event at San Diego State University known as Link2Cyber.
The Unknowns of Cloud Migration
Nov 06, 2016 / by Bird Rock Blogger posted in IT, IT Solutions, technology solutions, Cloud Migration, Cloud, Cloud Backup, IT Services
Moving to the cloud is nothing new. It is everywhere and will continue to be everywhere because it can save money, reduce complexity, enhance availability, and so much more.