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Three Reasons Why I.T. is Important to Your Organization

Sep 14, 2016 / by Bird Rock Blogger


The digital age has brought amazing innovations to the working world like Skype, Dropbox, Office 365, and so much more. At the same time, the digital age has brought many headaches and concerns. Some in the form of a disastrous Ransomware attack on healthcare systems and others of less grave consequences such as a faulty Wi-Fi connection.

None-the-less, we can thank IT and IT professionals for developing, implementing, and solving the challenges of the digital world.

But why is IT so important to your organization? 

  1. IT drives for greater efficiency (or productivity)

New innovations help businesses grow, become more productive, and save an exorbitant amount of time through automation, seamless communications, greater organization, paperless documentation, and the list could go on forever. The point is that without IT, every business would still be trying to mimic Henry Ford’s production line.

  1. IT lowers the cost of doing business (in most cases).

Without IT and IT innovations, every company would need servers and if you get big enough you will need a datacenter with routers, servers, firewalls, etc. Luckily, the cloud has provided just about every single company in existence some form of cost savings by running their business or parts of their business in the cloud. This is just one example of how an IT innovation like Cloud services have saved companies thousands of dollars.

  1. IT keeps your business alive (in more than one way, but I am talking about security)

It would be totally unfavorable if a business decided to not use technology because of security concerns. Unfortunately, the downside of a digital world is that bad people have moved in with it. Without IT and IT security innovations your business would probably not be operating very well or it would be on its death bed. The amount of malware and the advancements of malware in our day in age, has forced IT to become data police and we must thank them for their efforts.

 But why would any of this interest you?

It interests me because IT has come up with another innovation that plays to these 3 reasons above. I like to call this innovation pervasive Single Sign On. Okta is our recommended Single Sign On (SSO), multifactor authentication platform that allows all your users to access their online, web-based, cloud applications with ONE user name and ONE password.

What does this mean for an organization that invests in this solution?

  1. User efficiency. Their users experience greater ease of use when accessing applications. No more remembering multiple passwords and user names, no more using multiple multifactor applications, and no more time spent contacting IT for access to an application. All their applications sit on one dashboard and use one initial username, password, and a push multifactor application key. This is a stress free user experience and your employees will notice.
  2. A major decrease in IT time, energy, and cost. If you are a large organization, this one will relate. One single dashboard, with one password and username equates to a drastic decrease in help desk calls and issues. Organizations, who once had a dedicated team to answer the hundreds of application access issues a day, can save thousands of dollars with a solution that brings it all into one secure platform.
  3. Simple, effective, security. You can implement multifactor authentication for every single cloud application that your users are accessing. That is everything from Salesforce, Office 365, Box, Facebook, Twitter, and thousands of other cloud applications. This means greater security for all your users and ultimately decreasing the opportunities that a hacker could compromise your organization.

Okta extends much further then these three reasons and becomes an extremely useful tool when dealing with mergers, acquisitions, and growth. You can learn more about how Okta is helping enterprise business with efficiency, security, and simplicity by following this link.

If you would like to talk to an expert, please do not hesitate to give us a call 858-866-9702 or email at info@birdrockusa.com.

Topics: IT, IT Solutions, Security, technology solutions, Bird Rock Systems

Bird Rock Blogger

Written by Bird Rock Blogger


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