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How Secure are Your Digital Assets? A Guide to Security Roadmaps

May 27, 2021 / by Larry Hoehn

    How Secure are Your Digital Assets? A Guide to Security Roadmaps | Bird Rock Systems

The SolarWinds attack shook the cybersecurity world to its core, revealing how vulnerable many organizations are. In recognition of the critical role cybersecurity plays in safeguarding organizations and their digital assets, President Biden included $10 billion for cybersecurity and IT infrastructure improvements to federal agency systems in his expansive infrastructure spending bill. 

Safeguarding your organization’s digital assets requires a solid plan that identifies current deficiencies and outlines what steps need to be taken to achieve your security goals. 

What is a Security Roadmap? 

A security roadmap is a living document responsible for aligning your security processes with your business goals and is designed to optimize how you approach your security program. 

A good security roadmap should: 

  1. Identify where your organization currently stands from a security standpoint
  2. Identify and quantify specific security goals you wish to achieve (also referred to as your security destination)
  3. Outline a detailed, comprehensive plan to get you from where you are to your security destination 

Having a clear understanding of your current security posture, clearly defined and actionable goals, and a comprehensive plan is critical for ensuring your security posture and business initiatives remain in sync. Having a detailed plan in place is also a highly effective tool for securing executive buy-in. A security assessment or a security health check can help you get a clear understanding of your current security posture. 

Why Does My Organization Need a Security Roadmap? 

A clearly defined plan ensures that everyone (from the executive team down) is on the same page. Keeping your security roadmap top of mind when making important decisions helps ensure that all new products, initiatives, and procedures are designed with security in mind. By treating security as fundamental to all aspects of your business, as opposed to an afterthought to be addressed later, you can create a work environment that is proactive instead of reactive. 

Developing & Implementing Your Security Roadmap with Bird Rock Systems 

Our team of experienced security professionals is here to help you through all phases of your security journey. Our security experts have both the security knowledge and tools you need and extensive enterprise experience, allowing them to understand the unique cybersecurity challenges enterprise-level organizations face. 

We begin by sitting down with your team for an interactive collaborative session. The goal of this session is to allow our team to understand your business goals, strategies, and current initiatives. We will also discuss the current security tools you are using, your current security processes, and identify what security standards your organization needs to comply with. 

Depending on your organization’s security needs, current security posture, and other factors, we may need to do a deep dive into the technologies you are currently using to ensure they are up to date and configured correctly to ensure maximum protection. 

Using the information we have gathered, we will sit down with your team and develop a custom one-to-three-year security roadmap. This roadmap outlines what steps your organization needs to take to ensure you are getting the most security bang for your buck. This document focuses on your upcoming security initiatives and includes anticipated resource needs to assist with budgeting and forecasting. 

Why Choose Bird Rock Systems? 

Bird Rock Systems has been assessing, building, and managing enterprise information security for more than fifteen years. Combining our extensive security knowledge with real-world enterprise experience has helped our team develop a wide range of rock-solid security strategies that are both flexible and comprehensive, allowing them to respond to your organization’s evolving needs.  

In addition to security roadmaps, security assessments, and security health checks, we also offer other security services, including: 

  • Security team as a service 
  • vCISO services 
  • Tool assessments 
  • Vulnerability assessments 
  • Penetration testing  for networks, wireless networks, firewalls, active directories, and web applications 
  • Social engineering services 
  • Incident response services  
  • Security forensics and compromise assessments 

To support your security efforts, we also offer a wide selection of carefully curated, high-quality security tools, including: 

  • Firewalls 
  • Endpoint protection 
  • Cloud access security brokers 
  • Privileged access managers 
  • Multi-factor authentication 
  • Single sign-on 
  • Vulnerability management 
  • Incident detection and response 
  • User behavior awareness and learning management 
  • Web application firewalls 
  • Data governance and security tools 
  • Data loss prevention tools 
  • Security information and event management tools 
  • Security scorecards 

Security is everyone’s responsibility. A security roadmap can give you a comprehensive picture of your current security posture, help you identify critical security goals, and create strategies for achieving your objectives. For more information about security roadmaps, or to begin the security roadmap creation process, please contact our team today.   

Topics: Business, Cybersecurity, Guide

Larry Hoehn

Written by Larry Hoehn

Larry Hoehn leverages his enterprise technology certifications and experiences to create and oversee technical forecasts for strategic planning while also assuring that your I.T. business goals are being met. He is accomplished in analyzing current issues, recommending solutions, developing best practices, and determining effective technology architecture. He has been with Bird Rock Systems since 2011.

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