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PART 2: Choosing a Partner That is Loyal to Customer Success

Jul 24, 2015 / by Joseph Javien

“It takes 20 years to build a reputation and five minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you'll do things differently.”

—Warren Buffet

The life of an IT professional can be rather stressful and challenging. With businesses relying on the stability and availability of secure networks and performance computing, IT feels the pressure of making every project a success. As businesses become more agile, moving at the “speed of light,” any perceived latency or downtime can cause user and customer dissatisfaction which can equate to loss of profits, productivity and confidence.

As a countermeasure, it is recommended to partner with a technology solutions provider(s) that can help manage, strengthen and optimize IT workflows and environments that align with the goals of the business and the IT department.

Are Your Technology Partners Loyal to Your Success?

We meet with customers everyday looking to expand, improve performance and secure their IT infrastructure. We recognize that there is no one size fits all solution for customer challenges/initiatives, therefore, we seek to understand customer objectives before recommending a solution. Through authentic, transparent, and honest interactions with customers, we have been successful in earning customer trust and building strong relationships.

… IT Happens

To Bird Rock Systems, being loyal means consistent and persistent support. We believe in staying committed to our customers, especially during challenging situations.  If you have been in IT for a period of time, we all know *stuff* happens. As a countermeasure, we exercise caution and proactively backup configs and have backout strategies just in case. We are in it for the “long haul.” In the midst of challenge is where some of our most loyal relationships have emerged.

Hand in hand with loyalty, integrity is an important value to seek when partnering with a solutions provider which I will talk about in my next article. Stay tuned!

Topics: Loyalty, Values, VAR

Joseph Javien

Written by Joseph Javien

In 2006, Joseph joined Bird Rock Systems as a Sales Specialist II shortly after graduating from SDSU. Since then, he has risen through the ranks to the VP of Services role. With a passion for team success, Joseph seeks opportunities for improvement, motivation & coaching company wide.

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